Healthful Orange Benefits
Finnegan Flynn
Finnegan Flynn
| 03-04-2024
Food Team · Food Team
Healthful Orange Benefits
Orange, the fruit of the citrus tree in the Rutaceae family, is a hybrid variety resulting from the crossbreeding of pomelo and mandarin.
Originating in Southeast Asia, it holds significant value for both consumption and medicinal purposes. The orange tree is a small deciduous tree whose fruit can be peeled to consume the juicy pulp. The pulp is also used as a flavoring or additive in various dishes.
Oranges are rich in organic acids and vitamins. Consuming oranges during winter can regulate metabolism, stimulate appetite, and aid digestion. With high nutritional value, moderately sweet and sour pulp, abundant juice, and a fragrant aroma, oranges effectively replenish various vitamins, making them a beloved fruit.

Eating oranges has six major health benefits:

1. Alleviates Constipation: Oranges contain abundant dietary fiber, which can reduce cholesterol levels and increase intestinal peristalsis, helping the body eliminate toxins and effectively relieving constipation.
2. Prevents Colds: One of the greatest benefits of eating oranges in winter is their ability to provide the daily required amount of vitamin C. Oranges have the highest vitamin C content among similar fruits, systematically enhancing the body's immune system.
3. Aids Digestion: Rich in fiber and pectin, oranges accelerate intestinal motility, promoting bowel movements and aiding in eliminating harmful substances from the body.
4. Reduces Gallstones: The pectin in orange peels can facilitate the passage of food through the digestive tract, expelling cholesterol more quickly with feces and reducing its absorption. For individuals with gallstones, consuming oranges and drinking water infused with orange peels can have positive therapeutic effects.
5. Eases Female Stress: The aroma of oranges is beneficial for alleviating psychological stress, particularly in women dealing with nervous emotions.
6. Promotes Hair and Skin Beauty: Using orange peels in hot water for hair wash can result in smooth and soft hair. Applying orange peels to the face during a facial wash can contribute to dull and tender skin.

How to Select Oranges:

1. Smaller Navel is Better: Choose oranges with smaller navels, as larger ones may contain white fibers and have less moisture, affecting taste. When purchasing, opt for oranges with smaller navels.
2. Longer Body is Tastier: Contrary to the belief that rounder oranges are better, the tastiest ones have a longer shape. As the saying goes, "tall oranges, flat mandarins, and shiny tangerines."
3. Elastic Peel is Preferred: Oranges with thinner peels tend to have more moisture and elasticity. When purchasing, squeeze the orange; if the peel feels hard, it may not be as enjoyable.
4. Size Isn't Everything: Larger oranges near the stem tend to lose more water, resulting in an inferior taste. Opt for medium-sized oranges for the best experience.
Healthful Orange Benefits
5. Heavier is Better: Among oranges of the same size, choose the heavier ones. This method applies to various fruits, as a richer fruit indicates higher water content and better taste. Assess the weight by holding one in each hand when purchasing.
Regularly consuming one orange per day can be highly beneficial for the body.